Celebrate C-ville's 250th Anniversary

This year marks the 250th anniversary of the founding of Charlottesville (1762). There will be activities all year, but the focus of the celebrations is a one-week tour-de-force of Charlottesville’s rich and diverse history. The festivities begin on May 26th (see below) and continue through June 3. The following list highlights the theme for each day:

  • May 26 - Remembering Those Who Died in the Civil War
  • May 27 - Remembering the 200th Anniversary in 1962
  • May 28 - 250 Years of Sacrifice in Our Nation’s Wars
  • May 29 - 250 Years of African-American Community Life
  • May 30 - 250 Years of Growing Neighborhoods
  • May 31 - 250 Years of Religion, Education and Culture
  • June 1 - 250 Years of Architecture, Development and Design
  • June 2 - Living History Festival of Our First 200 Years
  • June 3 - Reenactment of the British invasion of 1781

Below is a summary of the events for the first week (click on the image for a larger picture). But please visit the official Celebrate 250 website for complete information and the location of each event.